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9 Signs You May Need a Book Publishing Coach and How to Find a Good One

Personal & Business Development

In a galaxy far, far away, there was a human who wanted to be freed from the shackles of their paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle, a budding Jedi author with an idea who had no idea how to actually execute it, a seasoned self-publisher who wanted to take their business to the next level, and a pro who wanted to sell their publishing business to officially retire. Any of this sound familiar?

9 Signs You May Need a Book Publishing Coach and How to Find a Good One
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If you're looking for your very own book publishing Yoda to lend you expert advice on your publishing journey, a coach or book coaching program might just do the trick.

A book publishing coach is a professional who can guide you through the publishing process, from writing and editing all the way to marketing and distribution. Because let's face it. A lot can go wrong in the book writing process and publishing process, from having your ghostwriter vanish into thin air to getting permanently banned from the Amazon KDP platform.

Here's how to know when to seek support and how to spot the good book coaches from the bad ones.

Note: Meet the most comprehensive self-publishing course and the friendliest guides in the industry. If you're looking for support from ideation to creation, this is it. Our coaches have all been through this process and have helped thousands of others master it to the point of leaving their full-time jobs.

What's the Difference Between a Book Writing Coach and a Publishing Coach?

A book writing coach specializes in helping you develop strategies for improving your writing. End of story (pun intended). A self-publishing coach, on the other hand, is much more involved throughout the entire process of writing AND publishing a book. A book coach might also focus on one particular genre, whereas publishing coaches are typically more experienced across many genres and niches.

Similarly, editors and literary agents typically specialize in one specific area of the publishing process versus taking the holistic approach of a publishing coach. 

Recognizing the Need for a Book Publishing Coach

With the traditional publishing model, a writer could work on their manuscript for decades without any hope of actually publishing their book. Nowadays, anyone can write and publish a book from the comfort of their home, no expertise required.

That being said, publishing a book can be a lonely process, and it can be difficult to stay motivated and on track. Sometimes, the extra support of a coach makes all the difference.

Here are nine questions to ask yourself to determine whether a coach may be able to help you reach your publishing dreams no matter where you’re at in the process:

1) I'm not an author or a writer. Can I even publish my own book?

A publishing coach can help anyone become familiar with the publishing process. We've got tons of case studies and student self-publishing success stories highlighting the fact that making money online is possible no matter what age, education, or career you're at. Pilots, single moms and dads, college students, and ESL learners have all found success after following the simple lessons of our program. 

Most of our students aren’t writers, and you don’t have to be one, either!

The first step is getting curious. The next step is getting to work.

2) I know I have a great idea, but where do I start?

Putting together a cohesive book outline can be deceptively simple. The outline sets the stage for the whole manuscript, so you want to make sure you get started off on the right foot. Otherwise, you'll risk confusing your readers and getting negative reviews, which could thwart your future royalties even before they start coming in.

A book publishing coach can help you develop a solid structure for your book, including creating a compelling plot and well-rounded characters if you're writing fiction. Or they can help you identify sources of information, conduct research, and organize your findings if you're writing nonfiction. Some of our students write both!

3) I know I've got a decent first draft, but how do I revise and edit it?

Even the best writers out there work with professional editors to make sure their writing is clear and gets their point across. A book publishing coach can help you refine your manuscript, identify areas that need improvement, and suggest changes that will improve the overall quality of your book.

Some coaches are cross-trained to provide editing feedback, while other book coaches may be able to point you in the right direction of other vetted professionals who offer developmental editing and copyediting services.

4) How do I make sure I have a good book cover?

A book publishing coach can help you create a professional-looking cover for your book by providing advice on typography, layout, and color schemes. Otherwise, if you're looking to outsource this part of the process, they can help you find a graphic designer who specializes in book design.

The front and back covers are just as important as the images within the book because they will determine whether your readers stay engaged, and they'll also affect your printing costs.

5) I'm happy with my manuscript, but how do I format my book for publication?

Amazon KDP only accepts certain file types, which can be a headache if you're new to the process. It also gets tricky when you're publishing a mix of high-content nonfiction books and low-content books like coloring books because they each have different requirements.

A coach who has already published their own books will know exactly what to do to make the process of formatting your first book as easy as possible. They may be able to offer pointers if you want to do the formatting yourself or refer you to other resources, such as software and freelance designers, to keep you on track.

6) I am so overwhelmed! How do I market and promote my book correctly?

Many aspiring authors and publishers struggle with what to do after publishing their books. One-on-one coaching can be especially helpful at this stage because marketing and promotion tactics will change depending on your book concept, niche, and audience. Trying to advertise business books to a kindergartener won't do any good, right?

Your coach can help you brainstorm ideas to reach a wider audience and walk you through how to start running ads for your book on different platforms like Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, and Google.

7) How do I build my own author or publisher platform?

Your author and publisher journey is entirely your own, which means you get to make the calls about where to invest your time and money. An online presence can boost your branding and help you establish yourself as an authority on the subject. And yes, you can do this under a pen name, too!

A coach can give you pointers on optimizing your author profile, including your headshot and author bio, to make sure your platform represents you in a way that's authentic and will attract the attention of the right readership. 

8) I'm feeling really stuck. How do I overcome roadblocks?

If you're feeling stuck in the writing or publishing process, a book publishing coach is there to help you identify the roadblocks that are preventing you from making progress and provide guidance on how to overcome them. Maybe you need an accountability partner that they can pair you with, or maybe you need some emotional support from a mentor who has been in your shoes. 

Life happens! But a coach is there to help you produce the best book possible and keep moving forward.

9) How do I scale my publishing business?

Coaches know the industry inside and out. They can help you draft up a business plan, provide guidance on starting an LLC, and eventually, teach you how to sell your business for a profit.

Did you know that you can sell your publishing business for multiple six or even seven figures? This isn't everyone's goal, but it's possible. Just look at our Student Success Hub and see for yourself. 

Is Hiring a Book Coach Worth It? 

Hiring a book coach can cost anywhere from the low hundreds to several thousands of dollars, depending on how comprehensive their services are. Some book coaching programs offer weekly live calls where you gain access to insights directly from seasoned publishers and colleagues who are new to the game. Others offer video calls and phone calls with personalized feedback throughout the entire publishing process. 

Even if coaching is costly, making mistakes like getting your publishing account permanently banned on Amazon can be even costlier. Accessing this wealth of information from your guides and peers is like activating turbo mode for your publishing career. Not only will you get from Point A to Point B safely, but you’ll also get there in less than half the time that it would have taken to figure everything out on your own. 

If you can save yourself years of trial and error, missed opportunities, and wasted money, why wouldn’t you?

Choosing the Best Coach to Guide You on Your Publishing Path

Book coaches and publishing coaches come from all walks of life. Here's what to look for in a coach to make sure the relationship will be a good fit for you:

Hands-On Experience

Look for a coach who has a proven track record of success in the publishing industry. This could include experience as an author, editor, or publisher (or maybe all three).

Our publishing coaches have all published several works on their own, so they know firsthand what the experience is like and what the most common obstacles are.

Coaching Style and Personality

Consider their coaching style and personality. Do they have a collaborative approach? Are they supportive and encouraging? Do they challenge you to do your best work? Think about what type of coaching style you respond to and are most comfortable with. Some writers thrive off tough love. Other writers need a gentler approach. Whatever will help you most in the self-publishing process is the way to go.

We've got coaches from all over the world who are passionate about helping others start writing and making money online. Many of them have had major success on their own publishing journeys and aren't in the business for any reason other than the fact that they like making a difference.

Some are really into music and nature walks in their free time, while others are more into wrestling and hockey. They all bring something to our growing private community of tens of thousands of hopeful publishers. 

Testimonials and Reviews

Before choosing a coach, it's a good idea to read reviews and testimonials from past clients. This will give you a sense of their coaching style, as well as their success rate. Look for coaches who have a track record of positive feedback.

We've proudly held onto a 4.8 star average on TrustPilot with our book coaching program, and that couldn't have been possible without our incredible team (many of whom started out as students btw)!

Budget Considerations

Coaching fees can vary widely, so budget is a major concern for a lot of new authors and publishers. Look for coaches who offer transparent pricing and are upfront about their fees. Some coaches may be more expensive, but they may also offer more personalized attention and support.

Do they offer group sessions and one-on-one coaching? Are they available through phone or email? 

Support is an investment, which means it should provide you with the greatest returns.

Meet the Friendliest Coaches in the Publishing Industry

If you're serious about publishing a book, it may be time to consider hiring a book publishing coach.

A coach isn't a necessity, but a good one will help you get from the outline to a completed manuscript with as little resistance as possible. And with the right coach by your side, you can finally turn your dream of becoming a published author into a reality.

Just imagine: If you started working on a book today, you could have four novels published in the next six months. And those novels could make you six figures in the next year. Anything is possible with publishing.

We encourage healthy skepticism around here, so we invite you to come see for yourself. Join thousands of others who have taken their schedules and income into their own hands with our free self-publishing webinar. Every journey starts with one step (or click), and the next phase of your life might just begin here. 

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